Getting everything organized....

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I have been a downloading fiend... and FINALLY I have everything uploaded in PSE. I have started tagging... but have a long way to go. I do have everything tagged by Designer and collection name... but I haven't got everything tagged further... I am trying to show restraint and not download anything else until it is all tagged... but let's face it... I am weak! There is too much good stuff out there to ooh and aahh over... I don't think I can resist!

Craftiness all around!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Well, here is my crafty blog!

I am new to blogging and new to Digital scrapbooking... right now, I think I am just addicted to downloading. There are so many great sites out there with beautiful kits, ideas, layouts and templates. I am in awe over some people's creativity and their talent. I bow to you all! The sole purpose for creating this blog is to organize my Digital Scrapbooking links.

As I said I am new to the whole Digiscrapping scene... but I can also knit (which I do quite frequently), quilt, sew, cross-stitch... so there may be a few random non-digi scrap posts here too! I basically like crafts... anything that is a constructive waste of time so to speak. I can't justify sitting in front of the tv and watching a show or a movie and not have my hands busy... drives me crazy!

So there you have it... my first blog... my first post... my first words out in the digital world... it's a good day!


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