New Blog Header... finally!

Monday, March 9, 2009

So, after many a night looking for a cute blog header... I decided to make one. I used Shabby Princess's kits Promise and Festival... I love both of those... Heck, I love all of her work...

Promise Collection by Shabby Princess

Festival Kit by Shabby Princess

Making the blog header didn't take me too long.. it was trying to get it added to my blog.... that was the more difficult part! I found a lot of great resources out there to help in my task. These are just a few of the sites that I was lucky to find either through other digiscrap sites or through Google...

Shel's Scraps
Allie Brown's Layouts
The Joyful Scrapper
Easy Custom Blogs
Cristi's Creations

Now, I still have to figure lots more out... like how to put a line through text... any ideas? anyone out there?lol

In other news, I have finally gotten through all my scrapbooking links that I have been so lucky to have discovered... Since I am new to scrapbooking too... I have been mostly searching for the freebies... I don't want to invest a lot of money right now if I am not going to spend a lot of time on this hobby... or have a lot of time to spend on this hobby!

Now... I just have to figure out how to get my background on my page.... hmmm... that might take another couple of days! lol

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